Reny Andriyanty, Adib Fathin Haritsah, Delila Rambe


Child-friendly integrated public open space or abbreviated as RPTRA is an institution under the provincial government of DKI Jakarta.  This RPTRA is an open space that is a place for all residents to interact at every village level in DKI Jakarta Province. The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the direct effect between education on the productivity of Srengseng Sawah Village RPTRA employees, 2) to determine the direct effect between service attitudes on the productivity of Srengseng Sawah Village RPTRA employees and 3) to determine the effect of education to the productivity of Srengseng Sawah Village RPTRA employees through moderation of service attitudes.  This research method was descriptive.  The analysis was conducted with 36 samples of child-friendly integrated public space (RPTRA) management employees in Srengseng Sawah Village.  The research data were qualitative and quantitative data.  Data analysis applied structural equations. The results showed that education has no direct influence on the productivity of Srengseng Sawah Village RPTRA employees.  The second conclusion states that there was a direct relationship between service attitude and productivity of Srengseng Sawah Village RPTRA employees.  The third conclusion, there was an indirect effect between education variables on productivity with moderation of service attitude variables. 


Pendidikan;Produktivitas kerja, Sikap melayani; RPTRA


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