Author Guidelines

Article should be an original research paper which could contribute to the literature of economy and management realm. The authors are required to submit their document or article electronically to Mega Aktiva: Economy and Management Journal according to the terms of submission. In addition, the authors need to complete a form of acknowledgement that their articles would not be submitted to any other publishers. Indeed, the editorial boards would disregard any submission in case dismissing these terms. Here are some important details:

1. Title of the article should be briefly written and encompassing its content

2. Authors’ name should be written completely (without any titles), by including affiliations (university or institution) and email address.

3. Abstract should be written both in English and Indonesia, which is written in single paragraph (One abstract in English and one abstract in Indonesia). There should be maximum 200 words of each paragraph while covering all contents of the article.

4. Keywords are included in the bottom of the abstract which including three to five of essential terms in the abstract.

5. Article Outlines:

  • Introduction (including scope of the study, research questions/problem statements, theoretical and conceptual analysis, and some other previous studies which supporting your current research.
  • Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
  • Research Methods (Type of research, Subject or Object of the research, Operational Definitions and Data Analysis).
  • Result and Discussion (describing research findings and discussion)
  • Conclusion and Recommendation (A brief and essential research finding and recommendations).
  • Reference List (the most current and taken from books or scientific articles).
  • Triangulation/Trustworthiness of the Data

 Writing Guidelines

1. Paper size A4 of 210 mm (width), 297 mm (height) and margins as:

  • Left Margin 3 cm
  • Right Margin 3 cm
  • Top Margin 3 cm
  • Bottom Margin 3 cm

2. Main article title is written in Times New Roman of 14 pt and bolded, while sub-titles are in Times New Roman 12 pt.

3. Author names are written in Times New Roman of 12 pt.

4. Abstract is written in Times New Roman of 11 pt, with single space line.

5. Article is typed in single space of Times New Roman 12 pt, and maximum length of 15 – 20 pages (including references and appendixes)

6. An article is submitted both in printed (hard copy) and soft copy (files).

7. Journal articles is typed in single column.

8. A table is drawn without vertical lines, in single space line.

9. Both table and images/picture are given numbers and titles/description, which is written in bold, along with their sources.

10. Number and table title is written above its table.

11. Number and picture/image title are written below them along with their sources mentioned, in single space line.