Alfian Bagas Ferdiansyah, Rido Parulian Panjaitan


This study aims to identify leading and prospective sectors and their relation to PAD in Klaten Regency in 2016-2021. In this study, the authors use primary data in the form of interviews and secondary data from BPS Klaten Regency and the data portal of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance. Against the secondary data, the authors analyzed the data using LQ analysis and DLQ analysis. Based on this analysis, it was found that there are nine leading sectors and six prospective sectors for Klaten Regency in the future. The author found an interesting thing that in Klaten Regency, which has been known around its area as a rice producer, the agricultural sector is actually not a leading sector and a prospective sector. Furthermore, through interviews, the authors found that the leading sector in Klaten Regency in 2016-2021 was still not significantly related to Regional Original Income in Kalten Regency. This study also found that Klaten Regency experienced a trade-off between developing the industrial and trade sectors with the agricultural sector. In addition, economic development in Klaten Regency has shifted from the primary sector to the secondary sector.


Base Sector; DLQ Analysis; Local Revenue;and LQ Analysis


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